Bill Peters Photographs
Bill Peters - Modern Artist Working In Photography
Bill Peters is an international visual artist working primarily in photography and mixed media. He has had over 30 exhibitions in US and Canadian museums and galleries. His work is included in the Province of Alberta’s Foundation for the Arts Collection.
Peters' images for When Water Dreams were made during a series of helicopter flights over the San Francisco Bay salt ponds, sloughs and wetlands in the period 2009 - 2019. Infused with the graphic power and emotional sensibilities of formalist abstract art and color field painting, Peters’ work surprises: at first glance it appears fully abstract, indistinguishable from paintings. On closer inspection, however, roads, boats, birds, vehicles and vegetation reveal the work as stunning photographs of San Francisco Bay landscapes and waterscapes.
The decade culmination show for When Water Dreams was presented from November 19, 2019 through January 25, 2020, at the Bay Model Visitor Center and Art Gallery, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito, California. At the opening on Saturday, November 23, Dave Halsing, Executive Project Manager for the San Francisco Salt Ponds Restoration Project, joined Peters to give a talk about the state of this uniquely valuable resource and the massive project underway to restore Bay area wetands. The show presented 24 images from Peters' decade long aerial exploration of the ponds.